
Saturday, August 28, 2010

I take an unexpected dive into the river

As some of you know when we go swimming at my house we have this water trampoline that we bring out to sit on and jump on. It is a blow up tube about 16 feet in diameter with a trampoline in the middle. Anyway my little sister and her friend Emma wanted to go swimming. Another thing you should know about my house is that the river is really mucky and weedy for about 10 feet and then is sandy. Okay, back to the story my mom and dad were busy so I sat out on the dock to watch Maria and Emma. They swam for a little while and decided that the water was too cold. So I got into the Kayak to take the water trampoline in. I had just pulled up the anchor when Maria and Emma decided they wanted to hitch a ride on the kayak instead of swimming back through the weeds. They jump on the side of the kayak without me knowing . When they pulled on the side of the kayak they fliped me and the kayak over. Well I guess the morale of the story is do not I repeat do not go out in a kayak while children are swimming if you are wearing tennis shoes and Jeans or if you have lazy brothers or sisters who think doing something like this to you would be funny.


  1. LOl, hilarious! I mean -- not that you fell in, just the way you said it. :D I would be frightened beyond anythign getting a kayak flipped on my. :D


  2. Bethany
    It was kind of scary but sadly I have been flipped a kayak "accidently on purpose" before.
    P.s. I tried you headband tutorial and I love it


  3. oops I forget to write I have been flipped in a kayak

  4. Oh, dear. Now that is just something that would happen to me. Little sisters. *shakes head*


  5. That is rather funny, Louisa!

  6. Louisa,
    That is funny! :) (You probably did not think that at the time though...I could imagine it would be scary...especially with the thought that you might get stuck it the kayak.)


  7. Kara and Hannah I was thinking about it last night and I started laughing because I could not belive how funny it was. Well I guess it is good to luagh about life.


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