
Friday, August 20, 2010

My Pets

Hey guys this is just a buch of random pictures I took of my pets today.

Ruby and otto thinking they are going to get a treat
Maria getting chased by greedy horses
My horse Pete hanging out

my cat pumpkin was tring to catch my camera.

frosty and smokey hanging out


  1. Fun post! I forgot you had horses.

    And speaking of cats...ours killed a mouse this morning. And I almost vacuumed it up.

    Yeah. I gasped.


  2. Nice pictures, Louisa!!! Your Profile picture is really nice too! You chose a good one!

    Yikes, Bayleaf!


  3. Baliley
    our cats love to catch mice and leave them on the porch to share with us. In a way I think it is nice that they appreciate us so much that they want to share but still I would rather they just kept the mice to themselves.

    thanks my computer is so slow it takes forever to load pictures so I am glad you like them


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