
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Louisa Keenan and the case of the missing catterpillers

As some of you may have guessed from my last post we have a butterfly farm. This year we have very picky caterpillars. They like to leave their box and crawl all over the table. I call them little escape artists. Anyway three days ago we could only find 4 out of the five caterpillars that we had. I looked high and low for him but alas he was nowhere to be found. Today I was eating my breakfast of Pancakes and strawberries when I happened to look at the office doorway. That little caterpillar had climbed and crawled a total of 35 feet and 2 in. Dodging feet and hungry cats ( Actually I don't think cats eat bugs) to make a chrysalis in the doorway of the office. I guess I will never understand nature or crazy caterpillars.


How to bulid a butterfly house

Step 1 get a clean pizza box or other type of container to hold the caterpillars.

Step 2
get a net or a something that resembles this and put it on top of the box.

Tip: when using a plain old net, prop it up with sticks because the caterpillars will climb up the net

Step 3
find milk weed (it looks like this)

(random green frog on milkweed)

Step 4
find the monarch butterfly caterpillars. they will be on the milk weed so make sure you look under under the leaves.

see if you can find all 3 catterpillers in this pic.

Step 5
Put them in the habitat you made. Remember to give them fresh milkweed every day and to mist the plants with water

Step 6
Next you caterpillars will make the J form this means they are ready to become chrysalises. This will take eight hours and 29 minutes.

Step 7
12 days later the chrysalis will turn black. 3 hours after that it will turn clear and then 1 hour and 3 minutes later you willhave monarch butterflies

Monday, August 30, 2010


I am so tired. I woke up at 5:00 to take Ella to schcool at Notre Dame.Maria,my mom and I went school shopping in the mall for about 8 hours.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I take an unexpected dive into the river

As some of you know when we go swimming at my house we have this water trampoline that we bring out to sit on and jump on. It is a blow up tube about 16 feet in diameter with a trampoline in the middle. Anyway my little sister and her friend Emma wanted to go swimming. Another thing you should know about my house is that the river is really mucky and weedy for about 10 feet and then is sandy. Okay, back to the story my mom and dad were busy so I sat out on the dock to watch Maria and Emma. They swam for a little while and decided that the water was too cold. So I got into the Kayak to take the water trampoline in. I had just pulled up the anchor when Maria and Emma decided they wanted to hitch a ride on the kayak instead of swimming back through the weeds. They jump on the side of the kayak without me knowing . When they pulled on the side of the kayak they fliped me and the kayak over. Well I guess the morale of the story is do not I repeat do not go out in a kayak while children are swimming if you are wearing tennis shoes and Jeans or if you have lazy brothers or sisters who think doing something like this to you would be funny.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Stars Beautiful Stars

Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.

How true is this lullaby?
I have wondered what stars have been my whole life. Even science class has confused me on what the heck they are. Are they giants, dwarfs, exploding pieces of dust? What are you?! A friend once asked me what stars were. I think I came up with some bogus answer that was science based. Basically I told her what I knew from
science class. I knew that some stars in some way shape or form were giants, red dwarfs, white dwarfs, and that when they become too hot they just explode. It is due to their explosions that we can see them in the night sky.But now as I sit outside underneath this overcast sky, I wonder what stars really are and what their purpose is. I know I can't see the stars right now, and maybe that's why I am wondering about where the heck these stars came from. When I was 11 and I was up at a camp U-Nah-Li-Ah they told us a campfire story that the stars were the cause of the hummingbird poking holes through the sky. When God created the night sky it was just a blanket of darkness over the Earth. He began to realize that the night was too dark for the animals to roam around the Earth with, they needed some kind of light. So God created the Hummingbird to poke holes in the night sky. Their beaks were so tiny that they created the right amount of light to supply the light given by the moon he soon created.Well...for now that seems like a legit enough answer.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

My new baby cusin Franchesek

Exciting news!!!!
My uncle Terry and Aunt Basia(from Poland) had a baby boy.
He was 2 weeks overdue but he is finally here!!
The name Franchesek means Frederick. and we will call him Franek which means frank!!

Here are some pictures of him

Isn't he cute!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

My Pets

Hey guys this is just a buch of random pictures I took of my pets today.

Ruby and otto thinking they are going to get a treat
Maria getting chased by greedy horses
My horse Pete hanging out

my cat pumpkin was tring to catch my camera.

frosty and smokey hanging out

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The early bird gets the worm

Have you ever heard the phrase "the early bird gets the worm". I always here it when I did not get something like not getting the last cookie or missing something because you weren't up early or you were lazy and took you time getting somewhere. The reason you missed the treat one of your siblings hurries up and acts like the perfect child. (Because I am the middle child this happens to me a lot.) Not because I am lazy and not because I do not get up early because I am usually the first one out of bed in the morning. I think it happens because the Phrase means the first person will be more successful. But what they teach you in school is the if you take your time you will be more successful. So all in all I think that we just should not use the phrase because it is sometime really confusing . "The early bird gets the worm" but think about what happens to the early worm


Hello people of the world.
I finally got my first post up. sorry it took so long my mom grounded me for the computer of two days because I did not clean my room. Anyway soccer is over of the next 3 weeks so I am kind of happy I will not be going to Green Bay for a while. I gtg
